Monday, May 6, 2013

Ah, headaches

It's true. I have a headache almost every day. There are reasons for it, but I don't know all of them. I have scoliosis, so my back, neck, and shoulder muscles get a workout every day just to try to make me look straight. And of course my back curves low in my back, right where stress hits anyway. So I know this is part of my headache cycle.

I mentioned the headaches to my doctor the other day and he wants me to see the chiropractor on a rather aggressive schedule for awhile to see if that makes a difference. I know it will help, but I really don't think it's the whole story. Why? Because my mother also has a headache almost every day. And the scoliosis is hereditary from my father's side of the family, so my mother's back is fine.

My headaches aren't migraines. Very seldom do I have those traditional migraine symptoms of sensitivity to light, spots, or nausea. For me to be nauseous from a headache means that I am in pain overload because my muscles are tight from my feet up to my head, and it does happen every now and then. Migraine meds don't do a thing for me, because these really are not migraines.

I don't seem to have trigger foods. Red wine, chocolate, aged cheese may give me headaches, but they are different from what I usually endure.

So what to do. Sigh. I guess the chiro and I will become fast friends. Too bad I'm already married, because I should have married a chiropractor. :P


  1. I had a headache almost every day until about a year ago. I never knew what my trigger foods were...until I went Gluten-Free. Now I only have a headache a few days a month, instead of many days a week.

    1. It's something to consider, that's for sure. I'm not ruling anything out, to be honest. I don't think it is ALL muscular/tension, but I would be happy to be proven wrong. What I need to do in addition to the chiropractor is more yoga, because that always helps the muscular portion. Time is tight though. :/
