Saturday, March 9, 2013

Blankies and Gwankies

My kids are all blanket babies. When they were toddlers, they all found comfort in a blanket that was special to them. And now...

I'll tell Janine's story first, since she is the oldest. She loved a white waffled blanket with satin binding around the edges. She loved that blanket and couldn't sleep without it. That particular blanket has been replaced a couple of times, but now she has even more blankets that she keeps in her bed. Unlike her siblings, and probably mostly because she is older, her blankets stay in her bed. However, she HAS TO HAVE at least one to sleep. Even on sleepovers, one blanket will go with her.

Sami still has her "yellow blankie", which is like Janine's, but yellow. And she calls is "yellow blankie". My mother had to rock her to sleep the entire weekend that she, at the age of 3, left yellow blankie at the preschool. Oh, she cried, and cried, and cried. She still takes yellow blankie in the car to school some mornings, although the blanket doesn't go into school with her anymore. Yes, I said anymore. For much of kindergarten and first grade, yellow blankie went to school each day, happily remaining in her back pack. It gave her peace of mind, so why fight it. Every night though we have to search for yellow blankie, because it travels around the house with her. Grrr.

Thomas chose one of his flannel swaddling blankets for his blankie. He loved it so. Unfortunately, his "gwankie" as he used to call it, completely fell apart and is now in pieces. He won't let me throw away the pieces, but he doesn't sleep with them anymore. Instead, he now sleeps with his blue blanket that is like Janine and Sami's. Gotta have the satin binding! Blue blankie travels around the house with Thomas, but doesn't leave the house. And unlike his siblings, Thomas can and does sleep without it. He leaves it somewhere, and sometimes we just can't find it.

So why am I talking about blankies? I had one too. I swiped the (pink of course) blanket off my bed. Of course it had satin binding. Mom replaced the binding many, many times. I called it "my rubbing" because I always rubbed my fingers on the binding as Sami does with yellow blankie. I kept my blanket until the tiny little hole that developed in it was big enough to stand in. I must have been 9 or 10 years old, because we lived in Wooster.

Anyway, the other day when I wasn't feeling great, Thomas offered me his blue blanket. I figured I would be cute and take it. I couldn't find it, however, so I took a different blanket from his bed. It has one side that is all satin. I napped with the blanket that day, and well, it's still in my bed. ;-)

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