Saturday, April 16, 2011

This will go down in history as "The Wonton Incident"

First a little back-story. I believe that everything happens for a reason. Many times, we have NO CLUE what that is at the time, and often don't make the connection even when the pieces do come together. This time, I made the connection. I have always been the child in my family that got burned. Literally. My sister cuts herself with kitchen knives by accident - I don't know which is worse. I burn myself even when I'm using potholders to take something out of the oven. When I was 12 or so, I caught my shirt on fire while cooking. Quite a feat given that we had an electric stove. I simply ran to the sink and ran the water over my shirt, putting out the fire. No stop, drop, and roll here. I also liked to catch my hot curling iron with my forearms whenever I would drop the curling iron (something I seemed to do a lot of as a kid). Why I thought my forearms were less important than a cheap curling iron, I don't know. It must have been to prepare me for last night.

I took the kids to Tae Kwon Do for buddy week. Both girls had a buddy, one of whom I then took home afterward. This meant we got home around 6:20. Kind of late to start thinking about dinner (it had been a very busy day), so we ordered Chinese food and Mark, who came home early, went and picked it up. Since it wasn't delivered, the soups were a little hotter than usual. I handed a bowl of steaming wonton soup to Janine, and before I knew it, she was screaming like bloody murder. It took me a moment to figure out what happened. She tends to overreact, and the scream wasn't too unlike the scream when she sees a bug, it was just more urgent sounding and she kept making it. She had taken the bowl of soup with one hand (chopsticks in the other hand, but close enough to the bowl that I thought she would use that hand for balance. No. Instead she had dumped the entire steaming bowl of soup onto her lap.

Mark helped her get out of her now steaming clothes while I, rather calmly I thought given the situation, wet down some washcloths to hold on the red spots. Eventually we got her horizontal and left cool, wet washcloths on her. I did have to change them a few times. The two other kids were frantic, but Mark got them settled, Janine got re-dressed, and then we all ate dinner. The food was still hot, and Janine even ate some wonton soup. By the time she went to bed, her stomach and legs weren't even red anymore. Crisis averted. No ER visit, no blisters, and able to play softball today. Phew.

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